Art Capitals
Here you’ll find our seven Art Capitals, cities we found which have distinguished themselves by providing the student traveller with a wide array of world-class, art focused opportunities. Over our 30 years, art teachers and their students from the world over have discovered the wealth of world famous museums and cutting edge galleries, all with etr leading the way. But don’t forget, these cities also offer exceptional cultural diversions and activities which allow for a well-rounded, time-efficient, etr experience. As each and every one of etr’s programs are custom designed, we can tailor your art discovery to meet your specific requirements.
If you have a specific topic or learning objective you would like to pursue or would like suggestions for your next student art program, just drop us a line.
You’ll think the world of us.

Hi, I want to tell you both what a fantastic trip we had. It was so fun and largely due to Sirah. She is an amazing guide in every possible way. Nothing gets past her. We had wonderful meals which included eating…

You may not realize how life-changing a trip like the one our students just experienced in Turkey usually is for kids from Syracuse, New York! They are all floating on air, hardly able to speak yet about the wonderful trip…